Saturday, April 4, 2009

Everyone Loves a Parade

Just a few quick photos of the St Patrick's Day Parade we went to in Raleigh a couple of weeks ago. It was delayed by a week due to rain and luckily for us, it turned out to be a beautiful day!

Miles enjoying the parade from Daddy's shoulders

Here are some guys on segways. Miles was far more interested in the chili pepper scarf that the guy in front of us was wearing on his head.

This real-estate truck was shooting fire out of the top. We're not sure what this had to do with St Patrick's Day, but it was entertaining to watch!

Here's Miles checking out the Irish bands from Mommy's shoulders

1 comment:

Laurel said...

Such a fun idea! I love the pics of him on both of your shoulders. He's soooo cute! The chili pepper hat is funny too. : ) Let's remember this next year and we can all go!