Saturday, June 14, 2008

A Walkin' and a Talkin'

This morning we participated in Race for the Cure to show our support for the fight against Breast Cancer. Chris and I walked the 5K while Miles enjoyed the view from his stroller. Miles loves riding in his stroller with his feet propped up -- I can't count how many people commented on our "chillin" baby! We love this event and try to participate every year; not only is it a great cause, but we like the fact that this race goes right through our neighborhood.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Welcome to our Blog!

My sister recently started a blog and I found that I love seeing photos of my niece and reading about their fun activities! I thought this would be a great way to share the goings-on of the Adams family (let's face it, I really mean the goings-on of Miles) with you, our friends and family.