Miles has a new favorite pastime -- banging on Daddy's drum set! Every time one of us goes downstairs to the basement be says "drums, Drums, DRUMS"! He has turned into quite the little entertainer while I'm in the basement doing laundry. He's not a big fan of the stool, but he's found a place to stand where he can manage to reach every drum and cymbal, and he bangs on them simultaneously! Here are some photos -- I spared you a video and accompanying noise!
When summer rolls around, we love to whip up a big batch of guacamole and enjoy a little chip and dip on the porch (sometimes that's our dinner :-). These photos are actually a couple of months old, and I think they might only be funny to me, but here are some shots of Miles enjoying some of the yummy green stuff. If I had video, you'd hear him saying 'Mmmmm' every few bites. He has a few years yet to enjoy a cerveza!